Q Paediatrics

What We Do

Q Paediatrics offers physiotherapy and exercise physiology services exclusively to children from infancy to 18 years old. Our aim is to optimise your child’s physical development and functional performance throughout the various stages of their development to promote participation in meaningful and rewarding activities.

Hard Core Kids®

A unique physiotherapy program based on exercises for kids.

Developmental Physiotherapy

Strategies to address your child’s development.

Orthopaedic Physiotherapy

Management of Orthopaedic injury.

Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy

Tailored solutions to help manage injuries.

Body Structure and Function

We can evaluate your child’s body structures and how they are functioning to help understand where there may be deficits contributing. We can do this for sports injuries, developmental difficulties and neurological disabilities.


We can look at what your child can do, how they are doing it and what they are not able to do. Our treatment aims to improve those activities important to you and your child, such as running, riding a bike or handwriting.


Injuries, developmental difficulties, pain and disability can have a significant impact on a child’s ability to participate within the family, school and community.  We strive to minimise these impacts and work towards achieving optimal participation in your child’s goals.

Proud partners of the Allsports Physio Group