Q Paediatrics is registered to provide services under the Better Start Initiative (BSI) that was introduced by the Australian Government July 1, 2011.

Under the BSI, children who have been diagnosed with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, Fragile X syndrome, or a moderate or greater vision or hearing impairment can be registered to access early intervention funding. The program is targeted at early intervention during a child’s preschool years to prepare them as best as possible for school entry.

Physiotherapy is one of the recognised services available under the program, along with speech therapy, audiology, occupational therapy, psychology, orthotics and optometry. Children with an eligible diagnosis must register for the BSI early intervention funding before they turn 6 years old and will have until they turn 7 to use the funding.  Children registered with BSI can access up to $12,000 (maximum $6,000 per year) to pay for early intervention services.  You will need to bring your approval letter to your appointment.  More information can be found at www.betterstart.net.au